That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Plunge into the captivating world of “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime,” a manga series brimming with fantasy, adventure, and lighthearted humor. Follow the extraordinary journey of Satoru Mikami, an ordinary corporate worker who is thrust into an extraordinary situation when he is reincarnated as a slime in a magical realm.

Embark on a transformative adventure as Satoru adapts to his new form and discovers unique abilities that set him apart from other slimes. Along his path, he encounters a diverse array of monsters, including a powerful dragon named Veldora, who becomes a close companion. Witness the creation of Tempest, a nation where monsters can coexist peacefully, as Satoru strives to bridge the gap between humans and monsters. Immerse yourself in a heartwarming narrative that explores themes of friendship, community, and acceptance, as Satoru’s determination to create a harmonious world shines through.